Why Manufacturing Industry Asks For Super-hero HR Managers?


When we talk to HR managers in the manufacturing industry, and we talk to them a lot, they say manufacturing industry needs tough people.

It’s not just about walking long distances on the shop floor under high temperature environment. They hint at the raw emotions at the workplace, the blunt communication that happens so very often.

And the complexities arising from compliance handling. How can a mortal human remember all the laws pertaining to how many hours an employee can work, how much he already worked till a given time, and overtime compensation calculations. That too for different states and locations.

You got the point. Being an HR manager in a manufacturing unit is definitely a different kind of experience than being an HR executive in a software company.

Thankfully, an HRMS system can assist the HR team in so many ways to make the job easier. I mean, they can do the work without needing superhero powers.

When an HRMS is deployed, some interesting things happen–

Manpower Planning:

It is obviously more complicated in a manufacturing unit. With a mix of blue-collar workers, skilled as well as unskilled, And how can we forget contractor workers?

A good HRMS solution helps the HR team with salary budgeting, headcount strength, as well as creating a robust organisational structure.

With a modern HRMs the HR managers will have enough data to estimate the shop floor strength at various locations, at various times of the year.

Attendance Management:

HRMS’ like OpportuneHR can handle large number of employees. We have 30,000 employees from a single company using the hardware and software.

The real time attendance dashboard gives HR managers super-hero like powers. With a few clicks, they can tell the real time scenario, how many employees are present on the campus, the level of absenteeism and the corrective actions required.

Rostering is easy, multiple shifts aren’t a problem in manpower-planning any more.

Payroll Management:

Payroll processing is one of the most complex HR activities in manufacturing unit. The numbers involved are large and multiple cost heads, and varying rates of payments aren’t easy to take care of. Add contractor workers to the mix, and it is simply mind-boggling.

But HRMS platforms will help here, too. From salary structure management to payroll generation on a given date, everything become smooth.

Payroll fraud is prevented. Errors are reduced. Accuracy of payments eliminates many hot discussions and arguments.

Compliance Support:

Compliance is an area which needs special attention in manufacturing companies. Due to multiple locations, an HR team must keep abreast of compliance from many states.

But HRMS like OpportuneHR have all compliance intelligence in-built. If a worker does multiple shifts, or hours beyond the permitted limit, the system will raise a flag and HR managers can take it into notice.

They can even produce a statutory compliance report whenever they need it. Click one, Click Two…and it is done!

It saves a lot of headaches when factory inspectors demand such reports.


With a modern HRMS solution and a robust biometric device for access control, many old practices like proxy attendance can be curbed.

All important HR processes like payroll, leave management, learning and development etc. are well managed.

Due to cloud technologies used by modern HRMS,’ managing human resources in multiple location is smooth and seamless.

All data from costs to employee benefits is available to him with a few clicks. Employee records are maintained. Reports do not need to be collated from 10 different points.

With such smooth and seamless functioning HR managers don’t need to put extra hours behind unnecessary discussions and arguments.

They can focus on employee engagement and work culture. They can contribute to boardroom discussions.

And while they don’t need to be a superhero, suddenly everyone will have a thought–


Are these people superheroes who manage everything so well under tough conditions!


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