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Travel and expense management

Travel policy, itinerary planning & approvals, claim settlement, Cost centre wise reports. For hassle free business travel experience!

Travel and expense management
  • Configurable expense & Travel policy

    Grade wise allocation of travel budget, mode of travel, per diem, as per metro & non-metro cities. Define per KM payment for vehicle type.

  • Request & Claim Settlement Via Mobile

    ​​​​​​​Employee travel and expense application against a cost centre. Request for advances & bookings. Approvals & payment settlement at multiple levels.

  • Multiple Currency Management

    OpportuneHR travel management allows claims in multiple currencies. Specially required for international or multi-country travels.

  • Finance Dashboard

    Finance can review the budgets allocated across business units [BU]. Spending trend monitoring. Approvals & disbursement of claim settlement.

Once you experience the smooth Opportune travel and expense module, you will ask:

How did we manage without this all these years?

Travel expenses varies from Rs 1 lac to 50 lacs a month. Save 5-10% of this cost.

Travel expenses varies from Rs 1 lac to 50 lacs a month. Save 5-10% of this cost

100% transparency, multiple level approvals builds confidence and ensures elimination of undue expenses!


Travel Request

  • Identification of travel purpose
  • Cost centre mapping
  • Integration with travel desk, internal or external

Actual travel

  • Actual travel claims and Voucher submission
  • Claim validation using rule engines
  • Multiple level approvals of claims
  • Disbursement of claims


  • Finance dashboard
  • Cost-center wise expense graph
  • Travel ledger statement
  • Advances, claims, disbursement statement

​15% HR Automation Principle In Action:

Approval level based on travel type, work requirements and international travel

Approval level based on travel type, work requirements and international travel

Different travel rules for destinations having company facilities

Different travel rules for destinations having company facilities

So, To Wrap Up....

Grade wise travel policy

Grade wise travel policy

OpportuneHR allows configuring policy as per pay grade. Like travel mode, monthly expense limits, no. of approvals.

Handles various travel type

Handles various travel type

Local or multi city travel, software identifies the type, requests relevant data. Applies policies for approval.

Smooth Travel Experience

Smooth Travel Experience

Mobile app for voucher submission.  Travel desk intimation for bookings. Finance integration for claim settlements

Reduce suspense expenses

Reduce suspense expenses

Travel management automation ensures transparency across multiple stake holders. Eliminates undue expenses.

Discover Why OpportuneHR Is The Best Travel & Expense
Software In India!

Get in touch for experiencing our deep automation & micro-feature capability

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