Discover Why OpportuneHR is the best HRMS Software in India! Schedule a Demo OR Call us @ +91 7700-954949


BOT enabled onboarding, OCR document reading, Employer Branding, for improved candidate engagement!

  • Contactless OnBoarding 

    BOT power: Candidate can submit joining docs via any platform, be it WhatsApp, FB messenger or mobile app. OCR reading of PAN & Aadhar Card avoids manual data error.

  • Candidate To Employee On a single click

    Once the candidate accepts the offer, on the date of joining HR can convert the candidate to employee with a single click.​​​​​​​

  • Digitization of OnBoarding

    No physical papers, hardcopies or manual intervention required.  With OCR capabilities the system reads images, populate data. Documents are uploaded & stored digitally into the system.

  • Effective candidate engagement 

    Employer booth allows HR team to showcase the achievements & work culture of the organisation. Candidates can review the company policies & interact with HR via the platform.

Once you experience the BOT enabled power of Opportune Digital OnBoarding platform, you will ask:

How did we manage without this all these years?

Our Bot powered onboarding accelerates and enhances the candidate-to-employee journey!

Our Bot powered onboarding accelerates and enhances the candidate-to-employee journey!

Opportune onboarding increases the chance of candidate actually joining, by 50%.


Documentation & approvals

  • CTC approval workflow​​​​​​​ & offer release 
  • Document upload by candidate & verification
  • Acceptance of offer letter by the candidate

Candidate-employer Bonding 

  • Automated company update emails
  • Welcome message
  • Company achievement corner

Pre-employment checks & Verification

  • Pre-employment medical check-up
  • Background verification
  • JV Passing To Accounting System​​​​​​​
  • Integration with verification service provider

​15% HR Automation Principle In Action:

 During the engagement process the frequency of the communication can be adjusted. 

During the engagement process the frequency of the communication can be adjusted.

Integration with other vendors and their processes.

Integration with other vendors and their processes.

So, To Wrap Up....

Bot Enabled Onboarding

Bot Enabled Onboarding

Conversational tools that guide the candidate, make onboarding process smooth and easy. And it is platform agnostic.

Contactless Process

Contactless Process

OCR features for reading documents and populating data. No manual intervention is needed.

Onboarding process automation

Onboarding process automation

From offer release to document upload, offer-acceptance, document verification, everything is digitized.

Better candidate-to-employee ratio

Better candidate-to-employee ratio

The smooth and professional onboarding increases candidate joining chance almost by 50%

Discover Why OpportuneHR Is The Best On-boarding
Software In India!

Get in touch for experiencing our deep automation & micro-feature capability

More About Talent Acquisition!

Application Tracking System

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Training Management

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Performance Management

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Time Attendance System

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Leave Management

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Time Sheet

Workforce planning, clocking of hours, client approval and billing. Ready for COVID times & WFH practices!

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Expense & Travel Management

Travel policy, itinerary planning & approvals, claim settlement, Cost centre wise reports. For hassle free business travel experience!

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Contractor Management

Contractor Purchase order, contractor attendance, billing and compliances. Ensuring adherence!

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