Posts by Mr. Pankaj Shah

How To Get Better ROI On HR Automation?

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, automating HR processes has become a necessity for organisations. It saves time and reduces errors. And also enables HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks, such as talent acquisition and development.

But many SME business owners remain in a dilemma, should they go for HR automation or not?

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How HR Management System Enhances Employee Experience?

Two major challenges today for HR managers across the globe are: Attracting good talent, and employee retention.

That’s why all progressive HR managers are putting great focus on enhancing the employee experience in the organisation. It’s not just a buzz phrase but becoming a real differentiator.

Reason? In the competitive job environment, a good salary isn’t good enough. Today’s workforce demands a work culture which can help them grow. People want to work with organisations they can belong to. Employees wish to be treated more than just an employee: A human being with the need for bonding, motivation and inspiration.

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10 Questions: How To Choose An Online Attendance System?

No matter in which business you are, tracking and managing attendance in an enterprise is a regular task. A manual attendance process has a risk of human error, inconsistency and proxy marking by some employees. On the other hand, an online attendance management software is free from such risks and is accurate and affordable. Even for MSME and Startups.

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Why Should MSME Business Shift To Modern HRMS Software?

A Human resource management system, often known as HRMS, is a software application used by businesses to manage HR functions. It focuses on employee lifecycle management and automation of mundane HR tasks. It facilitates candidate management, recruitment, onboarding, exits and data management. In fact, end-to-end HR functions.

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Amazing Power Of Timesheet Management Software

Timesheet is a practice known to human resource management teams for a long time. The IT industry has been using timesheets for many years, but now other than IT are also adopting timesheets in their day-to-day functioning. Management teams across industries, from healthcare to hospitality, from manufacturing to retail, are asking for timesheet modules along with attendance management and payroll systems.

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What are the latest trends in HR Technology?

With the help of HR technology, many companies have managed to stay in the race of doing business even in a situation like a pandemic. This is because these technologies help in numerous ways which in turn help the business people to connect with their remote workforce. HR technology continued to help HR leaders to serve the business and made it easier for them to conduct communication within their organisation by introducing various communication channels like a tracking system, best payroll software in India, maintenance of employee information among others.

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HR Automation helps improve Employee care

With increasing application of Information Technology & Automation in every aspect of business, how can system /IT automation be far behind when it comes to employee services in the company. Today, every leading company in the market deploys interactive systems to let employee perform all functions pertaining to their different needs. Any kind of service an employee is looking for, are available within IT employee systems. Following are some of the important functions an employee can perform through automated HRMS system:

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