Discover Why OpportuneHR is the best HRMS Software in India! Schedule a Demo OR Call us @ +91 7700-954949

The Best HRMS Software for the

Not all HRMS are created equal. Generic HRMS software works only for 85% of standard HR scenarios, and can't handle unique scenarios in various industries and organisations. OppportuneHR's 15% unique scenario automation framework gives you 'a customised for Hospitality' solution on cloud.

Manufacturing Industry

Why Opportune is the best HRMS for the Hospitality industry? It can handle all your complex scenarios!

Dynamic Shift Planning Is Crucial To Hospitality Industry. There are many more scenarios which are unique to hosiptaility industry.

Guest Occupancy decides employee numbers

Occupancy levels changes on various weekdays. And seasons.

Extra shifts for employees

Employees often work in an extra shift, even consecutive shifts.

Weekly-off not fixed

That makes manpower planning complex.

Month-end post facto updates

Month-end post facto update of weekly-off & leaves for payroll process & compliance records is a norm.

Call us now to experience the difference!

+91 - 7700-954949

Our Features to address
these unique HR challenges

These features are tested and proven in
diagnostic labs of all sizes
from 100 employees to 30,0000

Dynamic weekly-off marking

Dynamic month-on-month weekly-off marking based on actual attendance.

Auto-roaster creation

Auto-roaster creation based on biometric punches.

Compensatory-off implementation

Our implementation of compensatory weekly-off is well tested in the industry.

OpportuneHR’s Superior Design Approach Makes
It Possible!

HRMS Software Mumbai
  • Our unique platform design and customer support make the difference!
  • On-Time
    It’s Ultra Real time

    Our dashboards will help you see and plan manpower presence in multi-locations with ease. It is smooth, seamless and ultra real time!

  • Aim
    The Only Industry Focused HRMS

    From the high-compliance Healthcare industry to the blue-collar populated manufacturing industry, hospitality, IT and manpower services—All unique scenarios can be automated.

  • Customer Support
    Best Customer Support In The Industry

    Our opportune. Care approach is much more than after sales service, or problem-solving for client issues. We help you prevent those issues in the first place.;

Call us now to experience the difference!

+91 - 7700-954949

The Key Features That Deliver The Ultimate Performance!

OpportuneHR is designed for HR scenario handling. Which helps you address all scenarios in your industry. And the 15% unique scenario automation framework makes sure if there are any specific scenarios, you will have a smooth experience with it.

  • Core HR Functions

    Our dashboards will help you see and plan manpower presence in multi-locations with ease. It is smooth, seamless and ultra real time! 
  • Mobile Application

    Attractive and user-friendly mobile app. Android and iOS versions. Works in offline mode. GPS and geofencing enabled.
  • Performance management (PMS)

    KRA & goal setting. Employee rating. Employee strength & weakness identification. Regular appraisals. Bell curve. MIS.
  • Accurate Payroll

    One click payroll generation. Accuracy guaranteed. Handles large numbers of up to 30-50K. Taxation support. Payroll compliances.
  • Complete Employee life cycle Management

    Application tracking . Onboarding, Timesheet. Attendance management. Leave management. Payroll. Training management, F&F, Reward and Recognition.
  • Cutting Edge Technology

    Future-proof platform. Artificial Intelligence (AI). Machine learning (ML). User-friendly BOT. API for integrations. Face detection biometric. Data encryption. Data analytics 

Fix a demo to Experience The Difference!

The Unparalleled Performance Benchmarks!

Once you closely monitor our performance benchmarks, you will yourself come to the conclusion that OpportuneHR is the strongest contender for—The Best HRMS Software for hospitality industry.

Have a look, what you can achieve with OpportuneHR—

payroll Generation

30K+ payroll generation in 4Hrs, earlier 48 hrs!

Implemented payroll in <span>18 days</span>, earlier struggled for 18 months!

Implemented payroll in 18 days, earlier struggled for 18 months!

Deep automation and customization

90 days from manual sheets & xls to digitalisation of complete attendance & payroll for 2K+ employees.

 Stress Test approach

2000+ feet on street resources claim management was automated.

There is much more under the hood. Our micro features and deep automation technology packs a lot of power to address HR automation challenges in all kinds of industries.

Experience The Best HRMS And Payroll Software For Your hospitality business!

Today’s workforce demands and expects a lot. Employees, whether they are in IT knowledge parks, or in industrial hubs, or in the modern retail and hospitality industry, want a great HR experience. OpportuneHR goes much beyond the end user experience. We use the 3-level experience matrix which delivers a great experience to all stakeholders.
Experience The Best HRMS And Payroll Software
That’s why our clients feel

OpportuneHR is the best HRMS And Payroll
Software in India

Obviously, the best HRMS, Payroll software manufa for hospitality industry, too!

Every industry has its own uniqueness and culture. Diagnostic industry is no exception. Generic HRMS softwares often can’t address unique HR scenarios in various industries. Our 15% Unique HR Scenario framework is tested and proven in the hospitality industry. So be rest assured, you will achieve the best HR automation experience possible in the sector. And the pride of being associated with one of the best HRMS software in the country.


years of HRTech





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