Posts by Ms. Jagruti Yerunkar

Common HR Challenges and Bottlenecks: Automation Can Help!

Human Resources (HR) departments play a crucial role in managing the workforce and ensuring smooth operations. HR managers do their best in streamlining the processes to the best of their abilities. But their job gets tedious as the organisation grows. Many common HR challenges and bottlenecks hinder their work, and take away their focus from important issues.

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Why SMEs Should Say NO to Excel Sheets for Payroll Generation!

An interesting conversation took place between Mr Agrawal and his son, recently. His son has just finished his MBA from a premier institute. Mr Agrawal was picking his brains, how to modernise their family business.

When the son asked for HR data Mr Agrawal opened an Excel Sheet on his laptop. The son stopped him then and there. 

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Online Payroll Controller Is A Must For SME Organisations!

Payroll is a sensitive function. Even a small error or discrepency can arouse anguish in employees. That’s why the role a payroll controller is crucial for maintaining the smooth operation of payroll processes.

A payroll controller is responsible for overseeing and managing the payroll function, ensuring accurate and timely payment to employees while maintaining compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Why SMEs Should Migrate From Desktop HR Software To Cloud HRMS?

In today’s technologically advanced world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. Many technology innovations are happening in the HR domain also.

SME HR departments all over India are leaving legacy Desktop HR software and migrating to cloud HRMS (Human Resource Management System).

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The Best HRMS software in Gurgaon!

Gurgaon, now Gurugram, is known as the technological and financial hub of India.
The city is a hotbed for start-ups and is home to manufacturing units of companies listed in the Fortune 500. Some prestigious global institutions also have their corporate offices located here.

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What HRMS Modules Are A Must In 2022?

The last couple of years were challenging for all industries. But manufacturing industry was specially hit because of the nature of physical connections it need. While service industry shifted to WFH and cloud based remote working modules immediately, a shop-floor can’t run on an online platform like zoom.

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